Companies should

In the hot summer, girls who love beauty change into short skirts and shorts very early, but if there is too much body hair, it will cause a lot of embarrassment, so many girls will often shave the hair on their legs in order to be beautiful. However, you may not be aware that shaving causes significant harm to the body; today will explain what kind of harm shaving causes. 1. cause folliculitis The girls shave dermes hairlessleg hair tools a thousand and one, such as razor blades, eyebrow razors, hair removal cream, and so on; if these tools are not used correctly or are unsanitary, it is possible to trigger folliculitis. As a result, if the sweat hair is not serious, or shave less for the better, and folliculitis appears in the legs, clean and disinfection work should be prioritized. The situation is serious, but it is also necessary to go to the hospital for related examination and treatment in order to prevent the condition from worsening. 2, coarse hair follicle I'm not sure if the girls who frequently shave their legs believe that after shaving their legs several times, the new hair growing on their legs will become thicker and thicker, and the hair follicles will become bigger and bigger. 

So, if it is not absolutely necessary, avoid shaving your legs as much as possible. 3, resulting in embedded hair The cause of embedded hair is usually leg hair fracture during shaving, which causes the hair buried in the skin to not grow out normally. A small percentage of the cause is due to improper hair follicle damage and blockage of the skin's healing pores, causing the hair to become embedded. The appearance of embedded hairs is similar to goose bumps, and it can occasionally cause inflammation and pigmented scarring. The hair must be surgically picked out of the skin in order to resolve the embedded hair condition. 4 Influence detoxification Leg hair has certain blocking external environmental pollution for protection in China, as well as the role of the skin, if the leg hair shaving, so that the skin and external dust and bacteria can be directly through contact, it is easy to be affected dermesby the bacteria. It causes social skin redness, swelling, itching, and other symptoms in people with sensitive bodies in general. Furthermore, after shaving the leg hair, the toxins released from the body will be adsorbed on the hair follicle, blocking the hair follicle. Companies should avoid shaving their leg hair in order to improve their health. 5, cause contact dermatitis At the moment, girls are more commonly using hair removal cream to remove leg hair; this method is simple and convenient, and the effect is long-lasting. 

However, this method is not suitable for everyone; for example, if you have sensitive skin, it may cause skin allergies. It may also cause various degrees of contact dermatitis if used for an extended period of time. Although leg hair is unsightly and embarrassing, it has three unexpected benefits! 1. Helps regulate body temperature: Leg hair helps regulate your body temperature after sweating, keeping you cool when it's hot and warm dermeswhen it's cold. 2. skin care: the most important benefit of leg hair is that it protects the skin from outside dust and bacteria. Although leg hair is not attractive, it is best not to shave it off. 3. Advance research discovered through mosquito bites: when mosquitoes want to contact your skin, we create a psychological barrier, when it crawls you can feel, thus reducing the number of mosquito bites.

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