Blockchain technology is being used in the company.

1. Management of the Supply Chain

Blockchain can improve transparency while also lowering costs and risks throughout the supply chain. According to blockchain, it is possible to intelligently resolve physical assets and create a fragmented, inaccessible breakdown of all mine box transactions, allowing all relevant information to be tracked that would otherwise take weeks to obtain. Blockchain transparency may also aid in the reduction of fraud in high-value products such as loose diamonds and drugs.

Alibaba, Tencent, and Jingdong have long used blockchain applications for supply chain management. Jingdong, for example, has used the method to improve food safety, while Xiaobai, in collaboration with Tmall International, has announced the launch of a blockchain application to track, submit, and verify the entire chain of logistics information of cross-border imported products, which includes the entire process of importing goods such as production, delivery, customs clearance, inspection, and third-party inspection, and will issue a unique "ID card" to each cross-border importer.

2. Medical care

Using blockchain to store personal health data (such as electronic medical records, genetic data, and so on) is currently a very promising application area. Medical data suitable for blockchain applications includes general information like age and gender, as well as some basic medical record data like immunization history and vital signs. These cannot also be defined for a specific patient, so they can be stored on a shared blockchain for multiple people to browse without concern for privacy.

3. Asset Administration

Blockchain has a wide range of promising applications for asset management, including the ability to authenticate, authorize, and monitor antminer s19 pro alibaba tangible and intangible assets in real time. Blockchain technology can be used to protect intangible assets such as intellectual property, domain name management, point management, and so on. Blockchain technology can be applied to intangible assets due to the benefits of timestamp technology and immutability; however, for tangible assets, by integrating IoT to design a unique identity for property and deploying it to blockchain, it can form "data smart assets" and complete Blockchain-based distributed property authorization and control.

For example, using the blockchain key authorization of physical assets such as houses and cars, the right to use the property can be distributed and recovered based on specific authority, which is conducive to the realization of automated property handover in business models such as property rental or vehicle rental by Airbnb, etc.; blockchain can also be used to realize flexible property identification and recognition systems integrated with IoT.

4. Media Blockchain applications centered on media source authentication, citizen news approval, digital copyright protection, paid content correction, communication value statistics, user privacy maintenance, digital asset management, and a variety of other applications, bringing a fresh perspective and disruptive solutions to deep media integration.

Mijin, a private blockchain application development platform provided by Japan's TechBureau, announced plans to launch blockchain applications gtx 1080 ethereum hashrate for US media last year. The software grants key access to the relevant organization's director, spokesperson, or head, while journalists only have writing access; the content of journalists' writing cannot be altered without their permission, and even if data has been altered, its history can be traced; stories published by the application "Mijin" are encrypted and shared across multiple personal computers, making it difficult for third-party organizations to access them. Forgery is difficult for third-party organizations to carry out.