What role does search engine optimization play in the promotion of online stores? What's the benefit?

At present, more and more businesses open online stores. seo ranking optimization Merchants have opened their own online stores, and they need to do a good job of promotion in the future. Seo optimization is also very important, so what is the effect of seo optimization on the promotion of online stores? Here are the answers.

What role does search engine optimization play in the promotion of online stores? saas website building What's the benefit?

What is the effect of seo optimization on online shop promotion?

1. It is beneficial to improve the conversion rate

The online shop needs to effectively improve the product conversion rate through seo optimization, because the higher the ranking of our search engine indicates that the credibility of this information website in China is higher. When consumers can see that your store has a relatively high reputation and evaluation, it will increase their trust in you.

When a site is ranked on the first page of a search engine, it can get a lot of traffic, which will increase conversion rates.

2. It is conducive to improving brand awareness.

If you can do a good job of keyword ranking, it will greatly improve the brand exposure and influence.

When the website has a good ranking, it can increase the exposure of the enterprise, so as to establish the brand of the enterprise.

3. Help enterprises attract more traffic from students

The goal of search engine optimization is to drive more traffic and orders to your site.

4. help to create Taobao explosive products.

Increase the search weight through the description of the product title and other Settings, so as to get a better presentation opportunity, and in turn, gain higher sales and profit margins

5. help to improve the user experience.

In the web design, we must take into account the user's demand management research and life experience, only through this can we retain the hearts of users so that more people are willing to buy your product information or can become your repeat customers

Can effectively reduce operating costs

For small and medium-sized sellers, the cost of promoting Taobao is high, and the effect is not necessarily good. But if the cost is relatively high and the effect is not obvious, they choose to do it.

Search engine optimization on the promotion of the store is still quite large, so you must understand some store business optimization skills. After the product optimization, the future promotion operation will be better, which is conducive to improving sales.

online stores keyword ranking