
With the implementation of the new national standard for electric vehicles in my country, and after electric bicycles have a limit of 55 kg, lithium batteries with high energy density and lightweight have become a favorite nmp solvent. Lithium batteries for electric bicycles of big brands have begun to rise one after another. As many different users in China, most of them do not understand the technology industry. Therefore, there are many safety issues that need to be paid attention to when buying lithium batteries for development:

Although lithium-ion batteries have long cycle life and high energy density, their chemistry is more active than lead-acid batteries nmp. If used improperly, if they are short-circuited and heated, there is a danger of deflagration, which will endanger the life of the owner! Many painful experiences brought this issue to the attention of many users. Here are some things to consider when buying a lithium-ion battery

There are three kinds of lithium batteries for electric bicycles to buy!

Brand lithium batteries can be bought

A big brand lithium battery means that the manufacturer has a professional production line and strict quality control standards. At the same time, it needs to have the corresponding production and operation qualifications, and also has a strong ability to compensate 1 methyl 2 pyrrolidone. Even if an accident occurs in the product structure of an individual company, It can also be traced to the source, and the manufacturer can also afford compensation, so as not to run away. The relatively well-known brand building in the market is relatively simple and reliable.

Traceable batteries can be purchased

Now many places have introduced various source codes to standardize manufacturers. For example, Zhejiang has Zhejiang codes, Guangdong has Guangdong codes, and Hainan has differential codes. Their benefits are the input and binding of vehicles and manufacturers, business information, and a vehicle A set of batteries and a set of codes, users can scan the codes to view related parameters and production information. ENCODE products are basically strictly reviewed by relevant departments. Very low in terms of security risk.

Batteries with test reports are available

Like electric vehicles, lithium batteries can only leave the factory after passing relevant mandatory inspections. The inspection standards for lithium batteries are more stringent, and inspection reports are required to be issued by authoritative organizations such as China and Malaysia. The products tested by these third-party authoritative organizations are basically safe and can still be purchased.

There are 2 types of electric vehicles and bicycles that cannot be bought as lithium batteries!

Lithium battery without BMS protection

BMS is the abbreviation of battery intelligent management system, which is the brain of lithium battery. We all know that lithium batteries are battery packs composed of cylinders. Are these batteries fully charged and shorted? The BMS can detect the current and report it to the cloud immediately. If there is a short circuit, the BMS will automatically cut off the power supply of the short-circuited battery to avoid accidents! A battery without a BMS protection plate is like a "time bomb" that may explode at any time!

Cheap B-cell lithium battery

Such a battery is basically a top-of-the-line power car recycling, with a certain failure rate, although it can also be used. However, the charging and discharging performance of the battery is definitely not as good as that of a core. General B core products are relatively cheap, but not only have a low service life, but also have certain security risks.


Most problems with lithium-ion batteries on electric bicycles are caused by poor quality or user modification and improper use. As long as you buy the brand lithium battery, then charge and discharge compliance. In fact, its security is very high. Don't be afraid of lithium batteries!

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