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Early literacy has many benefits. Grasping the critical period to promote the development of the potential of the right brain wi

chinese alphabet

Focusing on early education, it is inevitable that Lenovo's early literacy is not only conducive to learning the number of words, but also conducive to the development of children's right brain potential. The right brain function determines people's creativity chinese alphabet. Before the age of 6, the right brain potential is developed. During the critical period, children will become smarter with the stimulation of words, patterns, colors, etc. on children's brains.

What are the benefits of early literacy?

Early literacy love love learning

Children have a lot of literacy. They don't need us adults to lead the reading, and they don't need to read the children's version with pinyin. Strong understanding of work ability, love of learning, and consciously strong learning and development ability and reading behavior habits, accompanying students for life.

Early literacy highlights advantages of entering primary school

Early literacy, as soon as entering elementary school, can highlight a huge advantage. When other children can't understand many words when they are doing their homework, you have already read the homework skillfully from beginning to end and understand the meaning. Your comprehension ability is very strong, and the speed of homework is also accelerated. You don't need your parents to read your homework.

Early literacy language rich

Children with early literacy know more vocabulary and rich language, which is internalized in form and manifested in eloquence. They can speak a lot of childish language unexpected by adults, and their speech is creative and logical.

How old can children be literate?

Depending on the child's interests, some children with exceptional intelligence can read before the age of 5, or even as early as 3 years old. If our children are not very interested in literacy before the age of 5, don't worry too much, follow the law of scientific development.

The research of early education experts shows that: 3-5 years old is the best period for babies to develop literacy. Before the age of 3, we don't care whether our children like to learn to read or not. We can read more, watch more, listen more, and use language, patterns, colors, sounds and other stimuli to affect the child's brain, and the child will be smarter.

How did mom and dad guide Dahlin through the critical period of literacy at the age of 3-5?

Seize the good time

Pay attention to your baby's mood when you are happy, learn quickly, have high interest, and persist for a long time. Repetition is the mother of learning. By learning new words and reviewing them every day, your baby will be able to read subtly.

parents be patient

When Darling doesn't feel like studying, parents should be patient and try to divert their attention. Later, the baby may come back to learn, just like eating. If you keep feeding it, the baby will not want to eat it for a while, and if you feed it later, the baby will eat well again. The same goes for literacy.

master literacy methods

You can prepare several sets of literacy cards, literacy picture books or story books, etc. There are wall charts corresponding to text and pictures in the children's living environment, which are often identified and repeated. You can play parent-child games, read and entertain. After teaching a word, hide the literacy card and let the children find it by themselves. When the child finds it, read it again and praise the child. "You're awesome, I want to compliment you.

Now we still have some enterprise-specific literacy classes to teach children to read. Some teaching effect research is also good, which plays the role of intensive training. There are teachers' supervision and children's mutual cooperation and learning. Teachers and parents interact with each other. Promote, children continue to progress very quickly, you can also try it.

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