couples life

Fighting isn't just a language game; sometimes it's also necessary to wand vibrator weed out a unique and successful method of communication between lovers. For instance, if you and your friends' travel plans go horribly wrong—they don't take the wrong route or stay in the wrong place—the girlfriend will rise up and say, "Oops, how can I be with you when I always encounter bad luck?" You don't want to yell at her when she is at fault, saying, "I think I'm not good, find someone else," since that will make no one appear good and damage feelings. You might as well engage her in combat:

We are a married pair, yes!

Why would you say that we are married? What do you mean wand vibrator we're in a relationship?

Couples should endure hardships together! Without you, I wouldn't have been able to handle everything. The wrath would go because she would make you happy.

Since the battle is a linguistic game, it must follow the same "rules" as other games, thus lovers should pay special attention to these;

First,Understand the depth of sentiments

A fundamental guideline for communication is wand vibrator that "shallow words are not deep friendship."Relationships fall within the umbrella of this adage. If the two sides of the child are in a state of mutual temptation and hazy emotions, and you want to use a disagreement to deepen understanding, you can pick a topic that does not touch on either side's emotions or personal preferences. For example, a disagreement over whether it is better to live in a big city or in the country, or whether a child is left- or right-handed intelligent will allow the two sides to disagree without being constrained because of the high coefficient of safety. Fighting may be laughing and cursing a hundred taboos if two people are also deeply in love with one another and are more understanding of each other's character qualities on both sides.

Second, avoid boosting one another's self-esteem.

When lovers argue, they like using the harshest language to wand vibrator taunt one another, frequently to avoid exaggeration and ugly behavior. But such exaggeration and clowning should also be considerate of one another's self-esteem; never belittle one another's character, let alone make fun of one another's physical flaws or denigrate one another's respect for one's family and friends; and refrain from making fun of one another's purportedly sacred individuals and objects. Otherwise, it will be self-inflicted, creating a mess like:

Who do you believe in, you ask?

I greatly respect my father. He is a true man. All of wand vibrator the great men, heroes, and celebrities are too far away.

So you believe that your father is your own deity?

I do, of course. You are not persuaded.

Why is this such a huge deal when you're only a shoe repairman?

Why all the fuss? That's how you perceive my parents, then? I understand who you are.

Even if it's inadvertent, it is never acceptable to wand vibrator use language like this. You also don't deserve it.

Third, be aware of how each other is feeling.

Since the main component of a battle is the exchange of words, you must be in a calm setting and in excellent mental health to fully appreciate its delight. As a result, we should pay close attention to the lover's mood while using combative language. Everyone knows that when you're feeling joyful, you can just play around with words and make jokes. The other side will be anxious to give you a pass or will glare straight at you, making it impossible for you to leave the stage, if your partner is worried about the sad look and you lightly laugh with her. When there is a battle, the air will smell like gunpowder, which will make you lose your initial pleasant mood. Instead of thinking about how to make her happy, she will talk straight to you, infecting you with her joyful thoughts and making you miserable.

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