How should I taste different kinds of Japanese sake?

It is possible to compare the flavors of various types of sake by comparing the refreshing "light" flavors and the mature and rich "strong" flavors, as well as the overflowing "gorgeous" flavors and the relatively subdued and uninteresting "mild" flavors. It is most important to compare the flavor of each type of sake.

A sake's aroma is the most important thing. It is quite common to find sakes with an undeveloped aroma but a mature flavor, because for the drinker, "aroma equals what type of sake is listed in the contact book." The aroma of a drink can give you a good idea of what type of flavor it will have, so you can predict to some extent the flavor if you memorize the aroma carefully, not just for sake, but also for cooking.

As long as I think a sake smells good, I think it should be tasty; conversely, if it doesn't smell much, it's likely to taste different than you expect. In order to show a better aroma, it is important to know that some sakes are brewed with yeast aromas.sake tasting hong kongis very good.

Taking pleasure in both the aromas and the taste

In the realm of sake, there are two methods for distinguishing different aromas. "Kamitachi" describes the scent that arises from a sake cup or even a pig's mouth, while "hankyō" is used for the fragrance that emerges when we hold the sake in our mouths. To fully savor the aroma, it's recommended to first take in its scent and then take a sip, allowing it to linger on your tongue before swallowing. Notably, there are also mild and rich sakes, as well as ones with a refreshing and cool flavor, each with its own unique effect on the palate. Indulge in the lingering aroma that spreads throughout your mouth by learning to appreciate these variations in taste and texture.

How can I check the flavor?

To ensure the quality of food and sake, I always focus on "tasting with the throat." Unlike the tongue, which is easily numbed, the throat has a highly sensitive sense. Therefore, I observe how the food or sake smoothly passes through it. It's challenging to explain the sensation in words, particularly when it glides effortlessly through the central or other parts of the throat. However, as long as there is no unusual feeling while swallowing, I know that the sake or food is in excellent condition.

In my opinion, as long as it tastes good and doesn't leave a bad taste in the mouth, it's the best.

The last thing I do is to confirm the aroma by using the information of the wine's aftertaste as it passes through my throat and up through my nose. Aftertaste is the aroma you get when you taste the wine, such as tasting it. When you drink sake, you can inhale alcohol and various aromas at the same time, so you can determine the precise aroma status of the customer from the aftertaste.

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different kinds ofsake taste sake