fish gelatin

Fish oil is a health food used by many people. Legend has it that fish oil seems to be helpful for all the common problems that middle-aged and elderly people suffer from: hyperlipidemia, arthritis pain, thinning hair, fish gelatin and macular degeneration. Some people even say that fish oil can protect cardiovascular systems, reduce the onset of heart disease, and even protect nerve and brain functions, reducing depression.

Okay, so what’s the question? Do you think these effects are real? Is there any research to confirm the efficacy of fish oil? Or is it just a publicity ploy? If true, how much should you eat? Will it be too much? Let’s figure it out one by one below.

Why does fish oil appear?

It turns out that when the Western world was studying cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension,gelatin sheet myocardial infarction and other issues, it was discovered that Northern Europeans seemed to have less chance of getting cardiovascular diseases. Then everyone thought, what is the difference between Nordic people and other Westerners? ah! The diet is a little different! Northern Europeans eat more fish and seafood.

The study further pointed out that the reason why Nordic people have less cardiovascular disease should be a kind of healthy fat omega-3 fatty acid,Bovine Gelatin pronounced omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids. You may have heard these terms in TV commercials. DHA and EPA, which make people so smart, are both omega-3 fatty acids. This omega-3 fatty acid is important for cells and is involved in cell growth and muscle vitality. But our bodies cannot produce it on our own, so we need to get it from food.

The main sources of food are salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and other seafood, oysters, crabs, etc. They bring DHA and EPA. The omega-3 fatty acid contained in plants is another type called ALA, which is found in flaxseeds, walnuts, and vegetable oils. Fish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Eat fish to keep your health?

Studies have found that people who eat fish four times a week are less likely to die from heart disease than people who eat less fish. Moreover, fish and seafood are better for the brain and are less likely to cause Alzheimer's disease or stroke. This should be because fish and seafood can supplement omega-3 fatty acids. It is currently recommended that adults should eat two servings of fish totaling about 200 grams per week.

fish oil health omega-3