laser hair removal

Many ladies will wear short skirts before a ruthless hair removal, so that they have smooth white long dermes medilaselegs rather than "flying hair legs" in the summer.

Many people choose simple brutal manual plucking and shaving, or the use of wax to tear hair removal, hair removal cream hair removal, or wax to tear hair removal. Although the results are quick, these methods have more drawbacks, so some people prefer laser hair removal.

Is laser hair removal, however, safe? What is the result? Today, let's talk about laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal principles and benefits

Laser hair removal is the direct destruction of the hair follicle root of the hair shaft and hair bulb by high-energy laser beams, causing melanin at the root of the hair follicle to selectively absorb light energy, resulting in a sharp increase in local temperature, the hair follicle tissue is destroyed and cannot be regenerated. Laser hair removal has the following advantages over traditional hair removal methods such as plucking and shaving.

Hair removal that is semi-permanent

Traditional hair removal methods only last a few days to a week, whereas laser hair removal can achieve semi-permanent hair removal. However, 5-10 sessions are required to achieve the effect of semi-permanent hair removal.

Hair growth is divided into three stages: anagen, regression, and resting. Laser hair removal can remove 75% of hair in the anagen dermes medilasephase, 25% in the regression phase, and almost completely in the resting phase, so it is best to have laser hair removal during the anagen phase. Furthermore, significant results must be obtained several times.

Because different areas have different growth cycles, the time interval between each time also varies. Hair on the head, for example, has a relatively short resting period, so the interval can be as short as one month; hair on the trunk and extremities, on the other hand, has a relatively long resting period, so a treatment interval of two months is appropriate.

The majority of the hairs can be removed after 5-10 laser treatments, and the remainder, if any, will not affect the skin's smoothness. And because home hair removal devices use weaker photons rather than energy, the number of treatments may be greater than with laser.

Traditional hair removal methods frequently fail to get clean enough because different people have different hair in different parts of the body, whereas laser hair removal does not.

Hair removal by tweezing and waxing is often painful, and hair removal creams irritate the skin and cause allergies or sensitivities. Laser hair removal, on the other hand, is coated with conduction gel, which is cold and almost painless.

Laser hair removal precautions

(1) It is recommended to postpone laser hair removal for the desired area if you have been exposed to the sun or used other hair dermes medilaseremoval methods within the previous 4 weeks, or if you have an infection, herpes simplex, etc.

(2) Laser hair removal necessitates stringent requirements for machines, operators, and sterile conditions, so choose a professional institution.

(3) Following hair removal, red spots, edema, or blisters around the hair follicles, as well as pain, may appear; cold compresses can be applied; if the symptoms persist, prompt medical attention should be sought.

(4) To reduce the occurrence of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation and to accelerate skin repair, the hair removal area should be protected from sunlight and moisturized.

(5) Treatment wounds should be strengthened to prevent infection, and if necessary, topical or oral antibiotics should be administered under doctor's orders.


If you want to have hair-free skin, you can solve the problem with laser hair removal. However, following laser hair removal, you should also pay attention to sun protection and moisturizing, as well as a timely medical examination to avoid skin diseases caused by hair removal.