Knowledge of the digital economy

I agree with the definition given at the G20 Hangzhou Summit for the connotation, extension, and characteristics of the digital economy. In general, the digital economy is the industrialization of digital combined with the digitization of industry. In terms of extension, economic development cannot be separated miner s19 profrom social development, and societal digitization is the soil for the development of digital economy, while digital government, digital society, and digital governance system construction constitute the environment for digital economy development. Meanwhile, the development of digital infrastructure and the digitization of traditional physical infrastructure lay the groundwork for the growth of the digital economy.

Its main characteristics are as follows: first, information technology is at the forefront. Each industry is deeply penetrated by information technology, which contributes to its digitization and the accumulation of a large number of data resources, which are then shared and aggregated through the network platform, making the industry more intelligent by mining data, extracting knowledge, and condensing wisdom.

Second, there is open integration. It promotes large-scale collaboration and cross-border integration among various departments within the organization, among enterprises in the value chain, and even among different organizations across the value chain and industries, in order to realize value chain optimization and reorganization.

Third, it is all-encompassing and universal. The ubiquitous information infrastructure, the on-demand cloud model and various service platforms for commerce and finance have lowered the threshold for participation in economic activities, making the digital economy an inclusive pattern of "participation and sharing by all".

The digital economy has three economic layers. We can see that the agricultural economy is a single-layer structure, based on the familygtx 1080 ti mining unit, with no obvious division of labor and relatively independent industries. The industrial economy is divided into two tiers, with the first tier being the equipment manufacturing industry and the second tier being the various industries of industrialization, with the first tier providing energy power and industry manufacturing equipment for the second tier. The digital economy is divided into three layers: the first is the information technology and equipment industry, the second is the various deep informatization industries (including industry and agriculture), and the third is the data value-added industry of cross-industry data integration application. The first layer supplies computing power and core ICT equipment to the second layer, and the second layer supplies industry data to the third layer. These three layers can be summarized as digital industrialization and industrial digitization, with digital industrialization being the first and third layers and industrial digitization being the second.

The general trend is toward digital transformation. Each industry will revolve around the main line of information technology, completing their own transformation, enhancing change, and continuing to give birth to new industries while putting some traditional industries out of business. As a result, the "phoenix nirvana, rebirth in fire" will be a critical decision that industries and businesses must make. At the same time, digital transformation will be a long-term process; based on the cycle law of previous socioeconomic development, the transformation phase will most likely last decades. In comparison to the 200-year-long industrial revolution, the new round of industrial revolution and socio-economic "revolution" brought about by the new generation of information technology represented by the Internet will be unprecedented in breadth, depth, and speed, and will far exceed our common sense and knowledge gained from the industrial society, as well as our expectations.

A fundamental change that results in a paradigm shift is digital transformation. One of the key characteristics is that information technology's role has shifted from being a tool and assistant for traditional industries to improve quality and efficiency to leading and leading, causing disruption in traditional industries. The key to development is to realize the paradigm shift through mental emancipation and idea conversion. One of the key features of this era will be data becoming a factor of production. So, how does data differ from other production factors? Data, from an ontological standpoint, contains a wealth of information, knowledge, laws, and so on. Digitalization, from a methodological standpoint, realizes the assignment and empowerment of traditional factors of production, and data becomes the digital space "twin" of other factors of production. Data elements have characteristics such as non-competitive acquisition, non-exclusivity of use, non-exhaustion of value, and non-scarcity of source.

There are currently some misconceptions about the digital economy. For example, the digital economy is often narrowly defined as the Internet economy and equated with the "virtual economy"; in research, the industrial economy concept and terminology are frequently used to interpret the digital economy. Can we still promote thegtx 1080 mining development of the digital economy under traditional industrial thinking if the digital economy is a disruptive revolution? It is a very natural inertia to make in the early stages of understanding new things, and it is a necessary stage. As comprehension grows, it is necessary to depart from the established model and attempt to construct a completely new model. We can only ask questions here, not provide answers. Perhaps a careful examination of the phenomena, issues, and changes that emerge during the transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy can help us better understand the digital economy.