Lead us to understand the seven major causes of allergic rhinitis in China, rubbing five acupoints can prevent allergic patients

Also known as allergic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis Allergic rhinitis has been linked to many causes of problems, genetics, climate and related studies of the disease are the most important. Chinese SWAN Insecticide sprayThe results of the clinical analysis of the data suggest that people with a family history of allergic rhinitis are at a much higher risk. In addition, diet and life-learning style development are also important influencing factors of allergic rhinitis, as long as we need to understand these social factors in students can prevent and treat rhinitis at the source.

7 causes of allergic rhinitis

1. Genetic factors

Allergies are heritable, which means that many people are born with them. SWAN insect killer manufacturer For example, if one parent has allergies, the next generation is more likely to develop allergic rhinitis than the average child. Of course, people with allergies also need the combined effect of external factors to induce allergic rhinitis, so they cannot say that they are allergic and will be infected with allergic rhinitis.

2. Seasonal differences

The relationship between allergic rhinitis and season is the most direct and close. Spring is the most frequent season for allergic rhinitis. As spring blooms, pollen in the air becomes an allergen for many people. Second is autumn, pollen in the air is easy to spread.

3. Living environment

Prevention of allergic rhinitis requires strict environmental cleanliness. Chinese SPRITEX Insecticide spray Bedding must be kept clean, curtains, sofa cushions, etc. It also needs to be cleaned in time to prevent dust mites from breeding. Mites are also the main cause of allergic rhinitis. In addition, cockroaches, their carcasses and feces in the corner can also trigger allergic rhinitis, so the floor needs to be cleaned regularly.

4. Diet

Allergic foods can cause allergic rhinitis through direct causes. One problem, a particularly important development study suggests, is that even among people who have been educated about allergy health, each person's allergens have different social effects. In other words, some people may be allergic to seafood, and some people are only allergic to eggs. So people in different countries with allergies need to do allergy tests, so that students can analyze and determine that people without food are contraindicated.

5. Pets

Keeping pets is contraindicated for allergic rhinitis. The hair systems of cats, dogs and dust mites are all potential risk factors for allergic rhinitis in China.

6. Sudden or regular changes in the endocrine system.

For example, a woman's menstrual cycle can cause large changes in her endocrine system, and an allergic reaction may be a kind of allergic rhinitis.

7. Disease infection

Nasal diseases, especially nasal inflammation, most of the time we do not have a single student behavior occurring. For example, sinusitis and hypertrophic rhinitis often cause and affect each other, with allergic rhinitis being cross-infected.

There are ways to treat rhinitis in Chinese medicine

Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease in China, which is difficult to treat economically. However, there are still some research methods to deal with the development of Chinese medicine culture. Acupressure or moxibustion can help relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The first is the "Tang Yin" point of acupuncture. Just above his nose and between his eyebrows, he cut ginger into coin-sized pieces, punched a small hole in them with a sewing needle, and affixed them directly to the Tang Yin point. In this way, students can carry out "ginger moxibustion" on the data above the ginger. Once a day, with 5-7 moxa sticks each time, the teacher who insists on learning can effectively relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion.

The second is to massage the fragrant point with the thumb. Traditional Chinese medicine says, "If you can't smell these fragrances, how can you treat them?" "Xiang Ying points can be captured. "Therefore, the nose on both sides of the printing point is an important role in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children. Massage with your thumbs at the same time, 100 times a minute. Thumb culture belongs to the lunar hand "" and ", "lung printing hole in the large intestine by " inside and outside environment mutually ", the effect is significant.

Massage five points to prevent allergic rhinitis

1. Massage the nose: knead the nose with your fingers from top to bottom for 5 minutes, then gently press Xiangying point (middle point of nasolabial groove), Shangying Xiang point (upper end of nasolabial groove) for 1 minute, and press Xiangying point 36-100 times a day with your fingers.

2. Press Tangyin (eyebrow)50 times with thumb, from forehead to temple (outer corner of eye and midbrow line) for 1 minute, then press Zhongfu (6 inches near the middle chest line, flattening the first intercostal space), Heze (above elbow, radialis biceps tendon) and valley.

3. Shoulder and neck lift: Grasp the Du vein point in the middle of the neck back with the palm of the hand, and pass through the meridian points on both sides 4-6 times after the development of the back. Then the student can control the shoulders and lift the neck to the sides. Re-occupy the kneading shoulder well point (naturally, the shoulder with overlapping between the hands, under the tip of the middle finger), do for 3 minutes, press and knead the Shufei point (1.5 inches below the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra) for 1 minute.

4. Rub and back: Rub your upper back with your palms. Feel the heat on your skin. The above massage methods and techniques can be done 1 times a day, 10 times for each course.

Foot press: Press the reflex areas of the lungs, trachea, bronchus, respiratory tract, adrenal glands, and spleen.

Three kinds of medicinal food are recommended

Allergic rhinitis In addition to traditional massage, can also improve the diet. Here are three treatments for allergic rhinitis:

Shredded ginger and scallion porridge

Ingredients: Ginger 6g, onion 6g, glutinous rice 60g, rice vinegar 10ml.

Method: Glutinous rice is clean, adding ginger to our country can cook porridge together. When the porridge is ready to cook, add the scallions. Finally, add rice vinegar through China, cook it slightly, and then start to analyze and eat.

Efficacy: Suitable for the treatment of wind-cold allergic rhinitis patients.

Astragalus gruel

Ingredients: 400g Astragalus, 240g breeze, 120g platycodon, 60g liquorice, 20g rice.

Methods: 400 g of Astragalus, 230 g of Astragalus, 240 g of platycodon, 120 g of platycodon, 60 g of liquorice, 20 g of rice (one day) were ground into powder, mixed and stored in a dry container (lid). Bring 400ml of water and rice to a boil in a saucepan over high heat, then simmer for 20 minutes. Put 10g of flour in a pot, bring to a boil over low heat, cover and wait for 5 minutes.

Efficacy: Can treat allergic rhinitis.

Braised pig stomach with skullcap

Ingredients: 15g scutellaria, 250g pork belly, scallions, ginger slices, soy sauce, salt, MSG.

Method: Wash the pork belly and cut it into shreds. The scutellaria can be washed and wrapped in gauze. Put the pork belly, skullcap, spring onion and ginger slices into the casserole, add some soy sauce and water, and simmer until the pork belly is cooked. Remove the medicine bag and add salt and MSG. Eat with meals once or twice a week.

Usage: This recipe is suitable for people with allergic rhinitis and lung fire symptoms.

allergic rhinitis Seasonal differences