sex toys

1 Vibrators help dilate blood vessels and promote blood flow to the pelvic floor muscles and genitals;best app controlled sex toy

2 The use of carrying out a vibrator can get a significant increase in improving sexual arousal in women aged 19 to 64;

3Vibrators can reduce the time to orgasm and help promote multiple orgasms in some app controlled sex toy

4 Vibrator use is associated with increased sexual desire and fulfillment as well as better overall sexual function;

5 vibrators help increase pelvic floor muscle tone and improve mild urinary incontinence; best app controlled sex toy

According to one study, 73% of women reported a reduction in vulvar pain with the use of a vibrator, and 74% had increased sexual pleasure while using vulvar vibration therapy.

How to use small toys correctly?

1 Choose products from regular manufacturers and don't buy third-rate products that may cause unnecessary scratches or even electrical app controlled sex toy

2 It is important to choose the right size of toy, we don't need it to be too big. If the size is not suitable, it may cause the pubic wall to tear. You should know that the most important place for us to get sexual pleasure is the clitoris.

3 Always clean before and after use

In addition to cleaning the vulva and hands before and after use, we also need to carefully clean the small toy according to the design app controlled sex toy

Some people may have a small amount of bleeding after the end (endometrial contraction caused by a small amount of bleeding, as long as it is less than the amount of menstruation is not a big problem) or increased secretion, clean the vulva with water can be.

4 Choose a safe and clean site

Needless to say, I just want to remind you that it is best not to stand for bathing use, because it may slip.

5 Use lubricant when necessary

Don't be too hasty, take your time to explore. If you have problems with vaginal dryness, you can use a topical lubricant to avoid damage.

6 Use in moderation

No matter what is good for your physical and mental health, if you overdo it, it will definitely have a negative impact on your body. However, there is no specific standard for how many times is considered frequent as everyone's health and libido levels are different.

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