What is cross-border e-commerce? Understand the trading mode and application platform, and successfully open the way of e-commer

What is cross-border e-commerce? cargo booking Understand the trading mode and application platform, and successfully open the way of e-commerce export operation

What is cross-border e-commerce? The first is to understand the transaction model and application platform, and successfully start the road to operating e-commerce

With the development of science and technology, e-commerce industry is developing rapidly. container shipping ratesToday, in addition to Internet trading in China, goods can also be sold between different countries without geographical restrictions. This cross-border e-commerce model can not only expand the sales market, but also improve the visibility of enterprises, enterprises must invest in development. Find out what cross-border e-commerce is, how to do it, and how to find the right channels to do it.

What is cross-border e-commerce? Cross-border trade activities through online transactions

Cross-border e-commerce or the full name of cross-border e-commerce, similar to cross-border retail, is a subject of transactions through different customs, through e-commerce (Internet platform) to complete import and export trade display, negotiations, cash flow transactions, and then cross-border logistics delivery of goods, to complete the delivery of international business activities. freight booking Simply put, it refers to a kind of international trade that "happens on the Internet," that is, the process of buying back needed goods from overseas Internet platforms.

What is the difference between cross-border e-commerce and traditional international trade?

Cross-border e-commerce and international trade are transactions that take place all over the world. However, there are obvious differences in consumer experience, product prices, logistics and distribution services. Here are some charts to help you understand the difference.

What is the difference between cross-border e-commerce and international trade?

Want to start cross-border e-commerce? First understand these three cross-border e-commerce transaction management models

In general, cross-border e-commerce needs to take into account factors such as language and cultural differences, logistics management and sales channels when entering the global market before deciding on the mode of operation. Below are three types of cross-border e-commerce transactions for your reference.

Cross-border e-commerce model one: cross-border direct transport

Cross-border direct shipping refers to the way that customers place orders through e-commerce and merchants deliver goods directly to consumers without being resold by third parties. This model can be freely listed with the seller's situation, and the threshold is lower in the initial operation of e-commerce. The disadvantage is the need to consider logistics costs, waiting time, and it is difficult to expand the consumer market.

Cross-border e-commerce model 2: Cooperation with cross-border platforms

This model is to sell goods on international cross-border platforms, so that consumers can trade directly on the platform. For the enterprise, this method can save the effort of students to design and manage the logistics of the enterprise by themselves, and only need to be responsible for a platform, but at the same time, it must be deducted, and prepare a sufficient amount of goods to accept the platform commodity inspection.

Cross-border e-commerce model 3: floor operation

Landing operation refers to the way that merchants set up local branches and let consumers from all over the world place orders via the Internet, which are then delivered by local companies. The advantage of this model is that it is possible to contact customers directly, avoid disputes caused by complex logistics processes, and understand consumption trends based on local conditions. However, it is extremely expensive to run a local branch, and it is risky to have to overcome language and talent recruitment issues.

After understanding the above cross-border e-commerce transaction mode, we understand that more enterprises will choose to adopt the cross-border platform mode, which can not only reduce the control cost, but also further expand to overseas markets and provide more profit opportunities for e-commerce enterprises.

developing rapidly overseas Internet platforms